A dear friend of mine, Jim Farquharson passed away recently Oct 1st, 2024 after a long battle with cancer. Before Covid, he and his wife frequently visited St. Augustine in the winter, enjoying the warm climate compared to his Canadian home. In April 2019, Jim found an egg from one of the White’s egg hunts, completely unaware of the event. Then he found a case in February 2020 on one of his trips to visit St. Augustine as they often did each winter, being one of the last opportunities he would have to join the event. The photo above he took from that day. Even though Covid cut his trip short in 2020, we kept in touch via email every month on the 27th. Often the emails were talking about the weather and showing off our treasures we found from metal detecting.
In honor of Jim, I’ve created a page on this site as a memorial with all those photos of his “treasures” he shared with me over the years. On the 27th day of each month, he would try to get out to detect, to share the hunt with us in spirit. During the winter months I received photos of past treasures or images of snow outside his window. Cancer slowed the detecting adventures even more. But as I collected the gallery of images to share, I thought about how each photo was a wonderful adventure that day for him.
I was truly blessed to have made such a friendship in this community. Every 27th there was an email. And for the past 5 years, I’ve always looked forward to that email. I will admit this Hunt the 27th will be emotionally hard to not receive that email again.
Thank you Jim for the years of friendship.
Today in honor of Jim, I’ve placed some Canadian coins amongst the treasures to be found.
Today we’re going to detect for treasures at two locations. First location is in Jax beach between 15th Ave South and 16th Ave South. Second is Mickler 1 block South of the entrance, no further than the 3rd house. At each location there are two cases that contain at least $27 each with a coin. This hunt will require a detector just like the others. Make sure you fill any holes you dig on the beach and many thanks for picking up any trash you find along the way as well. If you need a hint or find the case, text me at 904-201-9047 so I can update that the cases have been found.