The key to happiness….
Most have different answers to this question. But overall it’s usually something you love.
As a child, my mom would take me with her to visit her friends. She loved to talk and visit for hours. I often would try to find things to play with or do, but like most children would eventually get bored. My mom’s friend Myrtle had a beautiful old southern mansion, with tons of old antiques and grand piano in the main entrance to the house. I often would bang the keys until they complained, but it was often Myrtle who would tell the other adults to leave me alone. “She’s just as sweet as a cherry on top”, often I would hear her refer to me as other adults scolded. As I’ve grown older, I’ve appreciated those times, not realizing how unique it was to get such opportunities. .
Often when I drive through Neptune Beach, I think of her. I think about how my love for banging the piano was lost over the years, but my love of creativity didn’t. Influences over the years certainly can be accredited to those who let me be me, especially people like Myrtle.
Remember you can always text the number below for the location or any clues you might need. There are two cases at this particular hunt. Note that in each case I have placed $27 and a coin in each.
This hunt will require a detector just like the others. Make sure you fill any holes you dig on the beach and many thanks for picking up any trash you find along the way as well. Take a photo of where you find the container and text it to the number found on this site (904-201-9047). Feel free to text for clues as well. Remember all hunts are open to the public and just for fun!
Good luck and happy hunting!