There was an app long ago, I believe called periscope. As I sat in Atlanta drinking my morning coffee, I decided to try looking around the world at people broadcasting on the app. I discovered a guy named Gary, who gave the Sandy Toes Society report each morning from Jax Beach. I had never been to Jacksonville Beach before, but loved his commentary and morning views of the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean here. He would always be on, each morning to chat for just a few moments with viewers, and give fishing or weather reports. Little did I know my husband’s work would land us here just a year later.
And within that year, Gary moved to Tampa and the app closed down. I always think of him when I see anything related to sunrises. I don’t think I could be that organized to always get up to give a sunrise report as well has he did, but I sure would love to hear just one more broadcast.
I never was quite sure what street Gary did his broadcast off of, but I think nineth avenue north would have been a perfect spot. There’s an American flag that a neighbor has there, just a block north, that’s always out there. The ramp they recently built gives great access for wheelchairs, bikes and coolers with wheels.
At this location there are two cases that contain at least $27 each with a coin. This hunt will require a detector just like the others. Make sure you fill any holes you dig on the beach and many thanks for picking up any trash you find along the way as well. If you need a hint or find the case, text me at 904-201-9047 so I can update that the cases have been found.
Happy Hunting!