We’re revisiting a place we’ve been before simply because it’s one of my favorites. When we returned to Florida after Hurricane Irma, South Ponte Vedra Beach Recreation Area had parts of a sailboat in pieces all over the beach. What dunes were left looked thin and frail. A few palm trees had been blown directly into the dunes, looking like flags purposely placed there. It made me think of all the rescue workers who stay during these storms to help, and the pieces they had to pick up after Irma show her violence.
The photo above was taken the following summer at this small park that sits on the side of A1A. Much work has went into restoring the dunes and restructuring the area. Once again a beautiful area for ocean views for people to enjoy.
The case will contain a special item and cash as usual, but don’t forget there are other items in this area of value as well.
This hunt just as the others will require a detector. Make sure you fill any holes you dig and many thanks for picking up any trash you find along the way as well. Take a photo of where you find the container and text it to the number found on this site.
Remember all hunts are open to the public.
Good luck and happy hunting!
Congrats to Jim Farquharson for finding this case today!